Our Daily Manna August 16, 2017: ODM devotional – A 105 Year -Old Bosnian Granny: The Balm Of Gilead Is Here!

God will operate your body and remove low sperm count, cancer, fibroid, pain or any disease. If an old granny was not sick for 105 years, then God can keep your spirit, soul and body! I declare today as WORLD HEALING DAY! Amen and amen! Pray now!

Topic: A 105 Year -Old Bosnian Granny: The Balm Of Gilead Is Here! [Wednesday 16 August, 2017]

(Exodus 15:18-26; Jeremiah 8:22)

Years ago, I did a story about a 105 year-old Bosnian granny who had just been treated by a doctor for the first time in her life. Millian MARKOVIC slipped and fell in her house in a remote mountain village near Srebrenica in Eastern Bosnia recently and broke her leg. Her son told the visiting doctors that she had never been ill in her life! Wow! At 105, she had never been ill! Mrs. Markovic was not even registered then in the local hospital in Sebrenica. Imagine it again: For 105 years, a soul on this planet had never seen a doctor!

Use today’s devotional to tell God that you will not waste your money on sickness nor will you carry in your soul and body, whatever He has not planted. God is not the author of sickness or disease! God is not the author of financial lack or confusion. God is not the author of hard work with no or very frustrating results. God is not the author of mysterious deaths and stagnation. Your God is called the “Good Shephered” (John 10:11). James says that all good and perfect gifts are from above (James 1:17). Mark 3:15 says that He gave them power over sickness and demons. Exodus 15:26b says: “……….I will put NONE of these diseases upon thee……..” The actual translation is, “I will allow none of these diseases to come to you.”

Jeremiah describes the power of your God as “The Balm in Gilead.” –the medicine in Gilead. Gilead was called “THE HILL OF TESTIMONY” because it contained the gum or dissipated juice which exudes from the balsam tree, the Opobalsamum; which was anciently frequent in Judea, and was reckoned as very valuable in the cure of external wounds. As you pray today, there shall be healing worldwide! God will restore your health and multiply your good health!

God will operate your body and remove low sperm count, cancer, fibroid, pain or any disease. If an old granny was not sick for 105 years, then God can keep your spirit, soul and body! I declare today as WORLD HEALING DAY! Amen and amen! Pray now!

THE LAGOS (OGUDU) MOUNTAIN AUGUST ANOINTING SERVICE is Sunday August 27th. TIME: 7:00am. THEME: GOD OF FAVOUR, REMEMBER ME. ( Bring your oil of favour; label it “Oil of favour.” I shall lay hands on you and your oil).

Prayer Points: Take any worship song as led now.

1. Worship the Lord now! Pray about the Word as led.

2. Lift up your hands and thank God for your health. Thank God for your healing now.

3. Holy Ghost, uproot sickness and disease from my body today. I claim my healing from this sickness NOW in Jesus Christ name (Mention it and thank God now). Send the testimonies to orderodm@gmail.com

4. I nullify plans to make my family and I to spend our money on sickness and diseases in Jesus Christ name. (Pray it well).

By Bishop (Dr) Chris E. Kwakpovwe (Cek)
Publisher/Writer Of ODM And

Rev (Mrs) Flora E. Kwakpovwe (Fek)
Co-Publisher/Writer Of ODM.

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