RCCG House Fellowship Leader’s Manual 1 September 2019 Lesson 1 – Attitude of Gratitude is a Great Virtue

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TOPIC: Attitude of Gratitude is a Great Virtue (scroll down for RCCG House Fellowship 1 September 2019 Anthem)

PRAYER POINT: Pray that God will grant you a heart of gratitude so that you can be a partaker of His Glory. (RCCG House Fellowship 1 September 2019)

Click HERE for Open Heaven 1 September 2019 – Stand out against Evil

BIBLE PASSAGE: 1 Thessalonian 5:14-18

14 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.

15 See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.

16 Rejoice evermore.

17 Pray without ceasing.

18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

INTRODUCTION: If you sincerely, solely and heartily desire God’s Will which is ultimate, on your life, today’s topic can solve long lasting problems and take you to the great height of all your desires. I Thessalonian 5:16 admonish you to rejoice “evermore rejoice”. The way to unlock unimaginable virtue, values and result to your life lies in the Power of Gratitude. Our memory verse stated the condition and time that requires gratitude, which should be in all situations at all times. Gratitude is not just an act; it is a way of life.

What is Gratitude: Gratitude is derived from grateful which means showing that you value or appreciate something that has been done for you while “VIRTUE” is a good or desirable personal quality.

MEMORY VERSE: In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

TEXT REVIEW: 1 Thessalonian 5:14-18

Paul understood the virtue that flow from a grateful heart, he laid emphasis on situations and seasons to be grateful.

i. Joy flows from a grateful heart.

ii. A grateful heart prays without wearing.

iii. A grateful heart will always wait for God’s will.

iv. In the most difficult situation, be grateful.


Attitudinize gratitude by pulling down the barriers

Three of these are,

1 The gift of life (the mother of all gifts).

2 The gift of free air (oxygen).

3 The gift of talent to work with and many others.

However, the case is opposite, even among Christians and in the Church, this is because some barriers like the wall of Jericho, (Joshua 6:1-2) have been put up against you and your loved ones to rejoice. These walls must be pulled down through appreciation.

SUMMARY: Gratitude to God is a must if you want to walk with God.

CONCLUSION: The Hosts of Heaven respond most of the time to attitude of gratitude before any other, therefore develop this great attitude today and the heavens will surprise you.


1. Father, terminate every evil attitude that has accommodated ingratitude in our lives in Jesus’ name.

2. Oh Lord, unite your people together to give corporate gratitude to you.

3. Father, help us to cultivate an attitude of gratitude in our families, House Fellowship Centres and Parishes.

4. Father, pull down every wall, standing as a barrier to the attitude of gratitude in our House Fellowship Centres.

5. Father, please make habitual gratitude inseparable from us in RCCG in Jesus’ name.


MONDAY: Luke 17:11-19. Make gratitude your inseparable companion forever.

TUESDAY: Luke 17:17-19. Your attitude of gratitude today, may be defining your altitude tomorrow.

WEDNESDAY: 1 Thess 5:18. Lord, please give me the attitude of gratitude in all circumstances.

THURSDAY: Num 14:1-24. Father, scatter every power of ingratitude ravaging your Church.

FRIDAY: Psalm 22:3; 100:4. God inhabits the praises of the people. Encourage your Family and members of your House Fellowship Centre to always worship and praise the Lord.

SATURDAY: Ps. 9:14; 1 Peter 2:9; Rom 8:14-17. Appreciate God for the gift of salvation and making you a royal priesthood and joint heir with His son.

SUNDAY: Rev. 19:1-5. Father, as millions of Angels and the twenty four elders are worshipping you round the clock in heaven; give me an incurable attitude of gratitude and worship in Jesus’ name.

House Fellowship Anthem (RCCG House Fellowship 1 September 2019)

  1. I love this family Of God,
    So closely knitted into one,
    They have taken me into their arms
    And ‘am so glad to be
    A part of this great family
  2. I bless this family of God,
    So greatly prospered by the Lord,
    They have taken me into their arms
    And ‘am so glad to be
    A part of this great family
  3. I know this family of God,
    So deeply rooted in the word,
    They have taken me into their arms
    And ‘am so glad to be
    A part of this great family
  4. I see this family of God,
    So highly lifted above all,
    They have taken me into their arms
    And ‘am so glad to be
    A part of this great family
  5. Come and join this family of God,
    So highly favoured by the Lord,
    They have taken me into their arms
    And ‘am so glad to be
    A part of this great family


10 minutes for Opening Prayer, Praise and Worship
10 minutes for Testimonies
15 minutes for Bible Discussion
15 minutes for General Prayers
10 minutes for Questions & Answers
5 minutes for Welcoming New Members
10 minutes for Announcements, Offering, House Fellowship Anthem & Closing Prayers.
Total – 60 Minutes (1 Hour)