A Promise For You From Bible Promises:
Topic: Important Of Peace
And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? Mark 4:38
Whenever you embarked on any endeavour and you lack peace of mind, wisdom demands that you pulse, because if you continue; such you might possibly end up in frustration. When a man lacks peace, he/she end up living an angered and a miserable life. He rant at everyone and everything; uncontrollable trouble runs that man’s life daily. But one of the important of peace is that it calm you down at every point in time, whether in troubled or otherwise. Why others are worried over life issues, you simply enjoy yourself and peaceful. Peace gives you an edge over life circumstances and make you master over life situation. God’s peace makes you a role model to others battered by life challenges, you comfort and encourage them in their midst of trouble even when you experience the same thing. 2 Cor 4:4. This can only happen because you have make the God of peace your Father and the Prince of Peace your eternal Saviour.
While Apostle Peter and other apostles were battling with the storm that struck their boat on the sea, Jesus who was with them in the same boat was fast asleep. He was peaceful right in the middle of storm because He is called the Prince of Peace. Mark 4:35-41. You are to enjoy peace like a river as the world swim in trouble.
As you call upon Jesus today, may He rebuke every form of storm in your life in Jesus’ Name.
By Emode Victor