A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic: No Justification For Wrongdoing

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Romans 8:18

One thing you must realize is that, whatever you are going through right now is not a yardstick to venture into wrong thing; for there is no justification for it. Whatever is wrong is wrong no matter how justifiable it seems to you or anyone. If you ask a commercial hawker why she ventured into such dirty business, she will either tell you that her family is poor and she needed to just survive. Among all the options before her, why is it that it’s prostitution she choose? Are there no other things to do apart from selling her body to make money? Because of laziness and fast money that eventually cut many lives short and she forgot that such wrong act can lead her to her early grave. Poverty is not justify for prostitution or stealing.

In the same vein, if you ask a drunker and an addicted smoker why they get involved to such, many will reply it’s because they have no peace of mind, so, whenever they smoke and drink they forget their sorrow. The provision for any man’s peace has been made available in Christ Jesus. Doing the wrong thing doesn’t justify one in any situation rather, it compound the whole issues. Jesus cares for your life.

* Only in Christ alone your safety, peace and rest is guaranteed. #BlessedMonday

By Emode Victor

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