Our Daily Manna February 3, 2018: ODM devotional — Maize Grain: Be Balanced!

Topic — Maize Grain: Be Balanced! [Our Daily Manna ODM Saturday, February 3rd, 2018]

Basic Scripture: Acts 20:22-32

The Maize season will soon come in Africa. This wonderful grain with horsetail at its tip and comes in three colors-cream, orange and purple, is an accurate testimony that mankind is blessed with several gift of mercy from God. Maize has become a staple food in many parts of the world, with total production surpassing that of wheat or rice. However, not all maize is consumed directly by humans. Some of the maize production is sued for corn ethanol, animal feed and other maize products, such as cornstarch and corn syrup. The six major types of corn are dent corn, flint corn, pod corn, popcorn, flour corn, and sweet corn.

According to studies, corn cultivation was first introduced in South America from Mexico more than 6000 years ago. Maize spread to the rest of the world because of its ability to grow in diverse climates. It was cultivated in Spain just a few decades after Columbus’ voyages and then spread to Italy, West Africa and elsewhere. One other product of corn is starch used in the pharmaceutical and baking industries and as a hardening agent in the textile industry.

As a Pharmacist, I know that corn syrup, another food product, is used as a sweetener in children medicines, soft drinks, ice cream, and processed foods. This crop is a wonderful source of a balanced diet (60-62% starch; 9-10% Protein, 3-4% Oil and 1.2-1.6% Sugar). But do you know that as wonderful, rich and balanced a diet as corn is, it is only limited to feeding the outward man, which is destined to decay?

The Holy Ghost is using today’s devotional to challenge you and your family to a new hunger for the CORN OF THE SPIRIT which is the Word of God, and praying in the Holy Ghost. In this year 2018, if your pastor is not giving you a balanced diet, dig for it yourself! Don’t leave it that church! Financial and Material Prosperity with Holiness is your portion, but in Acts 20:27 and 32, Paul spoke about declaring ALL THE COUNSEL OF GOD. This is the balanced diet of the Word for the spirit man and that should be your strong pursuit daily in this year 2018!

Hearing messages of only PROSERITY or only HOLINESSS or only DELIVERANCE can lead you to disgrace at last! Remember the maize grain! Stay balanced this year!

Sow your FIRSTFRUIT as led to your church or into any account on page 29 of this booklet and get back to me on orderodm@gmail.com or text +234 802-342-1513; +234-807-314-6863 for STRATEGIC FIRSTFRUIT PRAYERS!

Prayer Points: Take Song 4: Tis so sweet………..

1. Finish your Bible this year! Refuse to be lazy this year concerning personal study of the Word of God. I shall eat a balanced diet for my soul. Use “The Bible-In1-year” plan at the back of this booklet daily this year.

2. Pray about today seriously as led. Pray Psalm 45.

By Bishop (Dr) Chris E. Kwakpovwe (Cek)
Publisher/Writer Of ODM And

Rev (Mrs) Flora E. Kwakpovwe (Fek)
Co-Publisher/Writer Of ODM.

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