
“And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things…” -1 Corinthians 9:25

Success in life is a life-long adventure. This is why no one will say things like, “I don’t want to be successful anymore” or “I’m tired of gaining success”. It is not a destination, but the satisfactory accomplishment of a given purpose. So, one can be successful in a given area and still struggle in another. However, God’s plan for you is to attain all-round success.

First and foremost, you must understand that true and lasting success is rooted in God and His Word. This is why those who know and rely on God are not only successful in the works of their hands, but in their family, health, career, academics and business. When God is your source, strength, helper and defence, you are guaranteed rest and increase on all sides.

To grow in success however, demands your diligence, sacrifice, and patience in your given tasks. You need to work tirelessly in your pursuit, be patient to achieve your desired result, sacrifice your time, resources and strength, to see that everything comes out even better then you expect; carefully seeking to achieve positive results.

No successful person ever stumbled on success. Though you may correctly say it is the favour of God that brings man to his desired end, enjoying that favour demands your responsibility. You must work at it, giving all it takes to achieve mastery. God has planned the best for you this year, therefore, do all it takes to receive it.

Remain Blessed!

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