RCCG 7 Days Prayers and Fasting Points 29 November 2022 – DAY 4
Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional
- Lord, I bless Your name, and Your praise is continually in my mouth. – Psalm 34:1
- Father, I worship Your holy name for You are our shield, our shelter, our defender
and our provider in Jesus name. – Psalm 18:1-2 - Father, Your name is higher than any other name. You are the I AM THAT I AM. I bow down and worship Your holy name in Jesus name. – Exodus 4:1
- Father, I thank You for divine protection and provision, in Jesus name. – Genesis 47:12
- Father, we thank You for all the testimonies, healing, miracles, deliverances during all our past programs.
- Father we appreciate all Your mercies in all our continental Holy Ghost Services, regional Holy Ghost Services, provincial Holy Ghost Services, zonal Holy Ghost Services, Area Holy Ghost Services and in all our parishes in RCCG.
- Father, thank You for the victory You always give to Your Church without a fight in Jesus name. – 1 Corinthians 15:57.
- Let us worship our God who neither sleeps nor slumbers in watching over our nation. – Psalm 127:1
- Let’s thank God the Almighty for being the chief security officer in charge of our nation territory. – Psalm 127:1-2
- Father, thank You for the military and all other security agencies in our nations, in Jesus name.
Also Read: Open Heaven 29 November 2022 – Dealing With Destiny Killers II
- Father, help me to obey You in everything completely in Jesus name. – John 14:15
- Father, help me to surrender my heart and live to You in true obedience and humility
in Jesus name. – Luke 6: 45; Matthew 12:34-35; Proverbs 4:23 - Father, help me to obey You completely in my duties. Help all our parents with sense of responsibilities in raising a godly offspring in Jesus name. – Psalm 127; Proverbs 19:18
- Father, forgive Your Church in all acts of unfaithfulness and let the enemy of Your Church in Nigeria and other nations of the world be subdued in Jesus name. – Psalm 45:5
- Father, forgive Your Church and cause a revival in Your Church in Nigeria and other nations of the world, to love righteousness and hate iniquity. – 1 Timothy 6:11
- Our Heavenly Father, forgive and repositions Your Church in the place of power to show forth Your glory and majesty by Your infinite mercies. – Psalm 45:3-6
NATION (Let us pray for Nigeria)
- Father, forgive us for the mentality of making quick money without work in our nation.
- Let us plead for mercy for the killings and reckless wastages of human lives going on
in our nation without culprits and without justice. - O God, according to Your righteousness I beseech Thee, let Thine anger and Thy fury be turned away from our nation in the name of Jesus. – Daniel 9:16
- Oh God in Your mercy, arise and let all the enemies of my be scattered. – Psalm 68:1
- Father, Your mercy sustained Joseph in Egypt. Let Your mercy sustain me in this difficulty endtime in Jesus name. – Genesis 45:13
- Father, in Your mercy, release unto me the power to do all that it requires to enjoy Your glory all the days of my live in Jesus name. – 2 Chronicles 7:1-2
- Father, we plead for mercy, in all areas of our shortcomings and trespasses as a Church. Let the blood of Jesus avail for us in Jesus name.
- Father, we are tired of the valley. By Your mercy, revive and take Your Church in our nation to the mountain top. – Hosea 6:1-3
- Father, by Your mercy, we receive afresh in our nation upon Your Church the spirit of love, the power and a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:7
- Father, thank You for Your mercies that brought about the creation of our nation to fulfil divine destiny of greatness. – James 2:13.
- Let us plead the blood of Jesus for the cleansing of the land of nation.
- Many are still in the prisons of the kidnappers in Nigeria and other nations; Father, arise and set the captives free.