A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic: The Pursuit of Happiness [18/09/2016]

Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble. Job 14:1. Read: Jn 16:33

Job was a righteous man who suffered severe attack. Just in a day, he lost all he had ever laboured for in his life. Job 1:6-22. Amidst his suffering and anguish, he reached a conclusion in the above scripture that, this world is a troubled world, yet man has few days to live in it. The world is a battlefield and only the brave can survive it. Jesus said, the world is full of tribulations. Jn 16:33. Due to the troubles in this world, many desire to spend their few days in happiness and run after whatever could bring the happiness they desire. But many pursue the happiness in a wrong way – even leads some to premature death. In pursuit of this happiness, many are addicted to alcohol, womanising, hard drugs, parties, night clubs, lesbianism , homosexuality. Many are also deceived to believe that more money bring happiness, so they amass wealth for themselves. All these don’t bring true happiness but sorrow in the end. Pro 10:22.

Beloved, true happiness is rooted in internal joy which is the fruit of the Holy Spirit in a man. You can’t be truly happy until you’re joyful within. The pursuit of happiness can only be actualized in Christ Jesus, the above mentioned human created alternative cannot bring happiness but sorrow.


* Only in Christ alone your hope of true joy and happiness is found. He is your peace in this troubled world

By Emode Victor

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