
“See that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15-16

Evil’s pervasiveness in the world demands a sense of urgency in the effective utilization of time to have God’s agenda fulfilled. Bible dictionary defines the word “circumspectly” to mean “carefully”. Believers must walk carefully so as to gain time in order to establish the glorious agenda of God for their lives individually and for the body as a whole.

God has an agenda for 2016 for the body of Christ as a whole just like He has an agenda for individual members of the body. Every believer has roles to play to see the purpose of God fulfilled in the body as well as in their individual lives. It takes effective management of time to see both plans fulfilled.

According to our text, on the other hand, fools walk “un-circumspectly”; carelessly, irresponsibly, nonchalantly and lackadaisically but the wise walk carefully.

Time wasters are life wasters. Time wasters are careless walkers. Time killers are the real murderers. Time killers are irresponsible walkers.

We understand from scriptures that believers walk by faith (II Corinthians 5:7). Therefore, to make the most of 2016, it is not enough to discover God’s agenda for you, for the year; quality time must be invested in feeding, nurturing, growing and exercising your faith. This is what guarantees walking circumspectly (carefully) so as to redeem (regain) the time. This is real wisdom; this is pure wisdom. You cannot afford to “walk” anyhow this year!

For instance, time spent in prayer, the Word, Church and engaging in spiritual exercises is time invested. It is time to build up spiritually!

It is amazing that people are in a hurry to go home from church but never in a hurry at a party or other social gatherings.

Scriptures for meditation: Mark 10:28-31

This Daily Devotionals was written by Pastor David Oladosu, Resident Pastor, Living Faith Church aka Winners Chapel New York.

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