Topic: Peace Through Peace [7/9/2016]

Text: John 14:27

Now consider this: a man has his landlord breathing down his neck because he has not paid his rent. And then, an ‘opportunity’ to make some money shows up in the form of a shady deal at his workplace. The money arrives, rent and other bills gets settled. But deep down, his mind is not settled. Of course, he now has peace with his landlord, but at the expense of peace at work and with his conscience.

That is not the God-kind of peace. The God-kind of peace is wholesome – a total package (John 14:27). It is this peace that lets you know that ‘all is well’ even when your body, your pocket and all around you are singing a contrary tune. That peace that fills your heart when you are making a right decision, even though there is pressure to do otherwise; because you hold in high esteem your peace with God and with your conscience. This peace is a result of faith in God expressed through prayers (Philippians 4:6-7)

But then, it is impossible to attract peace from a God you are not at peace with. No child would have the effrontery to approach his father with whom he or she is not in good terms, so to speak. Beloved, God has made the pathway to peace free for us to access. Make peace with God by accepting Jesus into your life. God wants His peace to radiate in your life; but it is only through Jesus Christ you can have that peace (John 14:6). Jesus is waiting to embrace you and bring His enduring peace to you.

Keep winning daily.

Wise Action:
Maybe you are reading this, but you have not accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Please do it now. Invite Jesus into your life and receive His peace now. Shalom!

By Sam Abidoye Amen

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