Topic: Planning with God [8/10/2016]

Text: Proverbs 16:9

Our anchor scripture describes the great grace and ability that God has given to us, His children, to decide what we want and how we want our lives to pan out. This is a great revelation that many are still to come to terms with, basically because they just decide to take life as it comes. Probably some feel that the responsibility to plan what becomes of their lives rest solely with God. But beloved, the responsibility to device our ways, to plan our lives lies with us.

God created us with a great future and deposited in us great potentials. But, first, we need to discover what they are and then carve out plans on how best to utilize these potentials. You might want to ask, how does God come in in the planning process? Scriptures say we have the mind – heart – of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16), and it is this mind we put to use when we plan. As we plan, praying alongside, the light of God shines in our hearts, and wonderful and workable strategies and pathways proceed out of us.

When we engage our minds to plan, the Holy Spirit activates the mind of Christ in us. And this is done in the place of prayers, especially when we pray in the spirit. When we pray in the spirit, the Holy Spirit prays the will of the Father through us, and through that process, the plans and strategies of God flood our minds (Romans 8:27). That is why when we engage our minds to plan, great plans come out of us. But we must first put our minds to work, if not, God will not do anything about planning for us.

Keep winning daily.

Wise Action
Make it a priority to always plan and never forget to pray in the spirit, before and during the planning process.

By Stephen Umezurike

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