Topic: Share The Gospel With Children [21/6/2016]
Text: Matthew 19:13-14

One of the best things parents can do for their children is to introduce Jesus to their children early in their childhood. I have always had and still have this picture in my mind of when I will be leading my children to Christ and praying for them to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. These moments are going to be one of the best moments in my life, because I feel the best thing I can give my children is a share of the life – God’s life – that I have. This should be the foremost preoccupation all Christian parents and would-be parents should pursue. Leading their children to Christ at a very early age.

Jesus’ disciples thought Christ came to preach the gospel only to adults, that when children were brought to Jesus they stopped them from meeting Jesus. But Jesus told them, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14). If as parents we introduce and bring our children up in the way of the Lord at an early age, when they are grown up, they will stick with the Lord (Proverbs 22:6). Teach your children to trust and rely sole on God. Make them understand that God loves them so much. This way, you are arming them with a great tool to live a successful life.

Another reason we need to quickly introduce Christ to our Children early enough, is because God wants to use them to reach out to children of their age group. I witnessed a great testimony of an eleven year old boy,  who led twenty-one boys of His age to Christ and brought eleven of them to church for baptism. I was so blessed when the little boy was narrating to the church how he won those souls to Christ. I am sure his parents would be so proud of him. Give your children the opportunity to be used by God, by introducing them to the Savior and Bishop of their souls early in their childhood.

Keep winning daily.

Wise Action:
If you have not preached Jesus to your children before, do it now. Also, support evangelical drive that aims at reaching out to children with the gospel, as we aim to raise up Spirit filled children all over the world, in Jesus name. Amen.

By Ese Ehimare Dave

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