Dunamis Paul Enenche

It Is For An Appointed Time By Pastor Paul Enenche

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SERVICE OBJECTIVE: Understanding what it takes to deal with delay


  1. God is the God of the appointed time (Gen. 18:14; Ex. 9:5-6; Job 7:1; 14:14; Gal. 4:1-2; Ps. 102:13)
  2. Visions, revelations, promises and prophecies are for appointed times (Hab. 2:3; Gen. 21:1-2; 17:21; Ps. 102:13; Gal. 4:1-4)
  3. All things are beautiful at the appointed time (Eccl. 3:11)
    There is always a challenge of waiting between the vision and the manifestation, the promise and the product, the revelation and the realisation, the prophecy and its fulfilment


  1. The temptation of discouragement and depression (1Sam. 1:14-16)
    Most times delay carries depression
  2. The temptation of bitterness with God and man (1Sam. 1:15; Gen. 40:5-6)
    This is a situation where someone is angry with God and consciously or unconsciously there is the transfer of aggression to those around
  3. The temptation of weariness and the abandonment of spiritual responsibilities (Gal. 6:9)
    In this situation, prayer life is down, study is down and every other spiritual obligation is neglected
  4. The temptation of accusations – God accusation and self-accusation (Job 2:9; 34:7-9; John 9:1-2)
    This is a situation where people feel God is being partial and also where people around feel the person has sinned in one way or the other which has incurred the ‘wrath of God’
  5. The temptation of impatience that leads to the orchestration of alternatives (Heb. 6:12)
    The mistake will always fight the miracle; the alternative will always fight the authentic
    This is settling down for something less than the best
    Anything you compromise to get, you must compromise to keep; the way you get it is how you keep it; the way you attain it is how you maintain it
  6. The temptation to accept the current situation as final destination (2Kings 4:13-14; Ex. 16:3; John 11:39-40)
    You have experienced resistance unto defeat
    It is never too late with God!
  7. The temptation of backsliding (Job 2:9)
    This is outright backsliding back into the world

What then can be done in the face of seeming delay? What do you do with the vision, revelation, promise or prophecy? Continuity is the secret to victory


  1. Continually review the vision, revelation, promise or prophecy with the Word (Hab. 2:2)
    What is the basis of your expectation? Check the scriptures and review it
    The review brings the fire, ignites the faith and keeps the hope alive
  2. Continually pray the vision, revelation, promise and prophecy into manifestation (1Tim. 1:18)
    This is what God said and this is what the Word says, so war with them in prayer
  3. Continually meditate on the faithfulness of God, both in your life and in the life of others (Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8; Num. 23:19; Ps. 89:33-35)
    What God did yesterday, He can do today; what he has done in the life of someone else, He can do it in your life; What He has done in your life before HE can do in your life again at a higher level!
  4. Continually charge your faith with light from the Word (1John 5:4; Rom. 10:17)
    Eat the Word until the Word eats you up
  5. Embrace patience and resilience (Job 14:14; Heb. 6:12)
    Refuse to grow weary; be determined to see the fulfilment of the prophecy; refuse to give up, give way or give in
  6. Continually embrace and discharge expected spiritual responsibility (Gal. 6:9; Eph. 6:13-14)
    Persistence wearies out resistance
    Don’t be tired of doing the right thing, at the right time you will see the desired result, if you don’t get tired (Gal. 6:9 paraphrased)
    When you have done all you know to do, remain on your feet
  7. Continually reach out to others in need (Matt. 7:12; Gen. 40:6-8; Job 42:10)
    What you make happen for others, God makes happen for you
    When you make up your mind to go beyond yourself, you have made up your mind to go beyond your chains
    Don’t let the devil bury your destiny because of delay
    Go beyond yourself – give counsel to someone, pray for someone and lift the spirit of someone else and
  8. Trust God for needed preparation and maturity for desired manifestation (Gal. 4:1-2)
    Every future you are looking forward to has a sustaining character; for every level of destiny,
    there is a desired level of quality – quality of character
    Many things we are trusting God for, it is not that it is not ready for us but that we are not ready for it
    ‘Lord, anything in me that has not made me ready for what You have in store for me, please show me. Work on my life, character, emotions and attitude.’
    When your authority exceeds your character, calamity is inevitable
  9. Trust God for the understanding of the times (1Chron. 12:32; Luke 19:42-44; Dan. 9:2-3)
    When you understand the times, you are stirred into command
    There must be sensitivity to Divine timing which will move you into intercession and prayer
    Understanding of the times causes the intensification of intercession for realisation
  10. Continually embrace joy, praise and thanksgiving in advance (1Sam. 1:17-19; Rom. 4:20-21; Ps. 106:12)
    Giving praise to God in advance is an expression of faith at the highest level

Father, thank You for Your Word to us today. To You be all the glory Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, the grace to fulfil my obligations and responsibilities in the season of waiting, I receive that grace, in Jesus’ Name.


  • Congratulations! Your season of delay is over!

Flatimes Notice Board: Until you are born again, God ever abiding presence will never be with you. You must be born again to enjoy continuous victory. Please say the displayed prayer below in faith:

Lord Jesus, come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to save me. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus name Amen.

If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to info@dunamisgospel.org, +234-803-3144-509, 234-803-320-0320.