Author: Kemi Oyedepo

A good wife is her husbands pride and joy; but a wife who brings shame on her husband is like a cancer in his bones” (Proverbs 12:4).

As a wife, which one are you? Many times, your conduct determines the respect your husband gets. Remember the Proverbs 31 woman? It is because of her, that her husband is respected (Proverbs 31:23). Don’t take pride in being a thorn in your husband’s flesh! Even as a single, if you are a concern to everybody, you will be a major concern to your husband! Meditate on that scripture and begin to align yourself so that you can indeed be a crown on your husbands head. Don’t allow your emotions to control you negatively.

Ask God for the grace to indeed live up to His expectations; after all he calls you a good thing when you become a wife. Don’t disappoint Him!

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