Author: Ese Ehimare Dave

Topic: Delegate Responsibilities [Sunday, 22nd Jan. 2017]

Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. Luke 9:1

One of the ways a leader can show his faith in the potentials and gifts of his team members and subordinates is to delegate responsibilities to them. We have seen leaders taking responsibility for all tasks that are to be done, even though they have assistants, team members or subordinates that they can delegate some responsibilities to. This act does not only get them exhausted, but it stunts the development of their subordinates, team members or assistants.

Jesus demonstrated leadership when in Luke 9:1, He delegated authority to His disciples to go heal the sick and cast out demons from people. He was developing them and preparing them for the time He won’t be with them. The joy of every leader should be to see his/her protege doing great things, especially when they got the opportunity to through them.

Jesus told His proteges, “the works that I do, you shall do also, and greater works than these shall you do…” (John 14:12). That’s a leader speaking and He acted on His words, as all over the world proteges of Jesus are doing greater things than He did while on earth. Delegate responsibilities as a leader. Help your proteges, team members or subordinates to develop their potentials through the responsibilities you give them. Trust me, you will be happy you did.

Keep winning daily.

Wise Action:
As leaders, make it a point of duty to delegate responsibilities to your proteges. Give them the needed platform and assistance them to flourish.

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