35 Percent Income as Tithes/Kingdom Advancement: Nkechi Coker (nee Okwuone) Continues To Blaze The Trail!
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Almost 3 years after her testimony at Shiloh 2017, Nkechi Coker returns to give God all the glory for His great wonders in her life as she continues to blaze the trail in the business world while advancing God’s Kingdom tirelessly.
“Matthew 6:33 is the code that answers with wonders.” – Nkechi Coker
In the beginning of 2020, I wrote a vision board of what I wanted God to do for me. It included a new job, funding for my non-profit organization, my husband’s promotion among others. However, while I was praying on them, the Holy Spirit instructed to change this from a personal vision board to a Kingdom vision board. Then I did and wrote the following:
- To complete my 10 souls for Christ.
- Increase my Kingdom advancement budget to 35 percent of my salary.
- Pay my corporate tithes for the NGO I co-founded.
- Buy a bus for the Church.
- Engage in a fast for 12 days every month towards the delivery of the 2020 Church planting mandate.
- Build a rural Church for Christ through Mission Adoption Scheme.
When I saw what I listed, it caused me to sweat. However, I began in January and then God responded.
God helped towards the delivery of the 10 souls for Christ. In March, after we paid our corporate tithes, the NGO received 43,000 USD for a project we never applied for. In June, at my place of work, I got a promotion to lead 7 countries in Africa. In September, I got a quantum leap job beyond my expectation and this gives me the opportunity to lead global initiatives. This job comes with a palm sweating salary, thereby enabling me to conveniently build a rural Church with just one month’s salary.
That same month, my husband got his promotion with a mouth-watering salary increase. Indeed it is my year of RELEASE, BREAKING LIMITS AND ENTHRONEMENT.
I am so humbled and grateful. Serving God truly pays and Matthew 6:33 is the code that answers with wonders. I return all the glory to God.
P.S: Nkechi Coker started 2020 as a Program Consultant with Engine Room (May 2019 – April 2020), with Part-time work as a Pan-African GovTech Program Manager (April 2019 – June 2020) in South Africa under Code For Africa.
By June 2020, she got a full-time employment as Senior Program Manager at Data Academy Africa, Code For Africa.
As at date, she is the Senior Manager Africa, Open Contracting Partnership, South Africa.