Author: Kemi Oyedepo

It’s so important, as a husband to ensure that you don’t knowingly or unknowingly force your wife to become like another man’s wife. The woman you may be comparing her to began from somewhere before her own husband met her.

Her willing submission, her love, everything positive about her, stems from how her husband treats her. Please remember that  your task is to make her holy, make her clean, and enhance her by the washing of water with the word (Ephesians 5:26). That is your duty.

She is to work on herself but you also have a part to play. Don’t just leave her to herself. The same way she is to help you in life, you also do the same. Ensure that she is constantly changing for the better; make her a more enhanced version of herself. People should know that she indeed has a husband! If you are single, please bear this in mind too. Exhibit behaviours that you want her to emulate.

That is what Christ has done, take a cue from Him, have a good attitude about it and God will give you the grace. Don’t be a baby about it, complaining and groaning about her to anybody who will listen; that is unnecessary and it is the height of immaturity. If you need help, speak to specific people who will help you get it right. If everything about your wife turns sour after you married her, you have a lot of work to do. God has made it easy for you by giving you the perfect pattern (Ephesians 5:25-30), please use it to your advantage!

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