A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic: Obeying The Great Commission

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Matthew 28:19

An Evangelist of mine once said, the great commission is so important and dear to God’s heart that any Christian not Obeying it might be committed to the GREAT DESTRUCTION. This is so imperative, like we have said in the previous write ups, it’s the heartbeat of God and anyone not Obeying it is breaking His heart. The Bible says to obey is better than sacrifice. If we must enjoy God’s blessings, obedient cannot be overlooked, rather, we must obey strictly. Jesus said, we must go and Paul said also, I am not ashamed of the gospel of the Lord. He also said, if you are ashamed to tell people about Me, I also will be ashamed to mention you before My Father on the last day.

Beloved, don’t allow anything to keep you back from sharing the good news of Jesus. Many hindrances has been viewed why this command is not obey by many Christians. Some feel they have nothing to say. As long as you are saved, start with your personal testimony of how God saved you. The power to witness has already been poured out (Acts 1:8, 2), receive it and move on, ask Him to direct you to the soul ripe for the kingdom and He will gladly do it. Obeying the great commission is COMPULSORY, MANDATORY and URGENT because the King’s business must be done in haste. 1 Sam 21:8

If you are not committed to the GREAT COMMISSION, you might be committed to the GREAT DESTRUCTION. Be wise

By Emode Victor